dimanche 24 mai 2015

Basharat Peer interview with Pankaj Mishra: Modi should learn from the Chinese their deliberate rejection of self-promotion - The Hindu

"The one thing Mr. Modi and his fans really should learn from the Chinese is their deliberate rejection of self-promotion and posturing. The Chinese in their 30 years of uninterrupted self-strengthening refrained from making any great claims for their power and influence. On the contrary, Chinese leaders played down their strength and emphasised the problems before them. They certainly did not seek affirmation from overseas Chinese. In any case, we know that for India to become an attractive option for China’s neighbours we need Mr. Modi to set aside his fiddle, get away from insecure NRIs, do ghar vapsi and then stay at home for a while and attend to its myriad challenges."

Basharat Peer interview with Pankaj Mishra: Modi should learn from the Chinese their deliberate rejection of self-promotion - The Hindu

Basharat Peer interview with Pankaj Mishra: Modi should learn from the Chinese their deliberate rejection of self-promotion - The Hindu

"A lot of Chinese nationalism was a construction of Chinese expats because the overseas Chinese felt humiliated by their experience of living among majority communities in California, Singapore, Manila and Penang. Now, there is a strong sense of the rise of Mother China, and jubilation at the prospect. And the position of the overseas Chinese has become both strong and precarious at the same time. The Indonesian Chinese were scape-goated in the last 15 years but there is now the recognition among majoritarian politicians that these people belong to a larger Chinese world and you have to be careful. It has changed the politics of places like Indonesia and Malaysia."

Basharat Peer interview with Pankaj Mishra: Modi should learn from the Chinese their deliberate rejection of self-promotion - The Hindu

lundi 18 mai 2015

Rockstar reception pour Narendra à Shanghai, Chine - Global Times

"India and China should together touch new heights of progress involving sensitivity towards humanity and philosophy of Lord Buddha and experiments of Mahatma Gandhi so that we can give to the world a system, which is dedicated to welfare of humanity," said Modi on the campus."

Rockstar reception for Narendra - Global Times

dimanche 17 mai 2015

Xian acclame Modi !

"The choice of Xian, the symbol and witness of the millennium-old friendly exchanges between the Indian and Chinese peoples, is in itself of great significance. There, Mr. Modi visited the famous Terracotta Warriors and Daxingshan Temple, where three eminent Indian monks taught and promoted Buddhism more than 1,400 years ago. Hundreds of thousands of residents lined up the streets to welcome Mr. Modi, waving and shouting “Modi, Modi” "

Chinese envoy Le Yucheng: 3 reasons why Modi's visit to China was 'super' - The Hindu

vendredi 15 mai 2015

Ping Pong



"According to Hanif and other former captives, they were groomed to treat the kingpin of the trafficking syndicate that enslaved them as a revered figure. The man’s name, they say, was Anwar."

That may have happened in Thailand but the smugglers are probably Muslim themeselves... "Anwar" is a Muslim name. 

And the only Muslim countries in the region - Malaisia and Indonesia - do not show much compassion to their brethren, only to send them to non-Muslim  countries." 

Can one see a pattern ?

Visite de Narendra Modi en Chine. Le contentieux frontalier

Narendra Modi in China, meets Li Keqiang in Beijing - The Hindu

jeudi 14 mai 2015

Géopolitique des rapports de force Sunnites - Chiites

Why Shiite Expansion Will Be Short-Lived

Comprend des cartes

"<a href="https://www.stratfor.com/analysis/why-shiite-expansion-will-be-short-lived">Why Shiite Expansion Will Be Short-Lived</a> is republished with permission of Stratfor."

Modi arrive à Xian - The Hindu

Le Président indien Modi arrive à Xian

Xian est une des plus anciennes capitales de la Chine. Beaucoup plus à l'ouest par rapport à Pékin, elle représentait la première ville chinoise importante lorsqu'on venait de l'Inde à travers l'Himalaya, les déserts du Taklamakan (Xinjiang) et de Gobi. C'est là qu'arrivaient les premiers missionnaires bouddhistes venant de l'Inde (Gandhara) et d'Asie centrale. C'est aussi là que les bouddhistes chinois se rendant en Inde  par la même route, en sens inverse, quittaient la "civilisation chinoise" pour s'aventurer en terre inconnue ....

Modi in China's Xian as part of three nation tour - The Hindu

Bouddhistes américains

Les représentants de bouddhistes américains - "3,5 millions de personnes, plus que de musulmans ou d'hindous, mais faisant beaucoup moins de bruit - reçus à la Maison Blanche.


mercredi 13 mai 2015

Pourquoi la visite du Président Indien commence à Xian

"The fact that Prime Minister Modi begins his China tour from the ancient Chinese city Xi'an (most famous for the 'Terracotta Army') has immense symbolic and substantive value. Firstly, it was here that Hsuan-tsang (602-664), the famous Chinese pilgrim, brought hundreds of Buddhist scriptures from India, which he then translated."

Lisez d'avantage ci-dessous :


Le Site de Mes Aynak, Afghanistan

Empêcher la destruction - par l'industrie cette fois  - d'autre Bamyian !



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mardi 12 mai 2015

Modi et le BJP évitent le Dalaï Lama

L'Inde céderait à la pression chinoise ?


vendredi 1 mai 2015

Asia Times Online :: Tehran's success, Riyadh's failure

Un point de vue

A standpoint

Asia Times Online :: Tehran's success, Riyadh's failure

Bientôt une page "Le christianisme est-il un monothéisme ?" !

Je suis en train de travailler sur une page qui s'intitulera

Le christianisme est-il un monothéisme ? 

Cela devrait prendre une dizaine de jours au plus. Après quoi je devrai sans doute faire une pause, car il se confirme que je vais bientôt partir pour la Birmanie où je séjournerai sans doute une dizaine de mois. Vais devoir me mettre au birman.

J'en profite pour vous recommander le blog de Jean-Bernard Pinatel :
