dimanche 28 juin 2015

Bill Gates's et l'exploration pétrolière

Bill Gates's Idiocy (or Is It Psychopathy?) By Eric Zuesse

vendredi 26 juin 2015

Le pillage de l'Artique se prépare

In The Warming Arctic Seas By Subhankar Banerjee

jeudi 25 juin 2015

Encore un accord sur la protection de l'environnement entre les USA et la Chine

US and China to Cooperate to End ‘Massacre’ of Wildlife: US Official

mercredi 24 juin 2015

Le Pape François, un décroissant ?

"big lie that sharing the Earth’s limited resources is unnecessary because economic growth will make us all rich. Francis calls this magical thinking. He skates fairly close to the idea of steady-state economics, of qualitative development without quantitative growth in scale, although this concept is not specifically considered. Consider his paragraph 193:
In any event, if in some cases sustainable development were to involve new forms of growth, then in other cases, given the insatiable and irresponsible growth produced over many decades, we need also to think of containing growth by setting some reasonable limits and even retracing our steps before it is too late. We know how unsustainable is the behaviour of those who constantly consume and destroy, while others are not yet able to live in a way worthy of their human dignity. That is why the time has come to accept decreased growth in some parts of the world, in order to provide resources for other places to experience healthy growth."

Thoughts On Pope Francis’ Laudato Si By Herman Daly

Des données de BP suggèrent que le pic de la demande est déjà atteint

BP Data Suggests We Are Reaching Peak Energy Demand By Gail Tverberg

mardi 23 juin 2015

Les combustibles fossiles nous tuent

Ils nous tuent physiquement mais culturellement aussi en donnant au monothéisme -  complot contre l'humanité vieux de 1400 ans au moins, de 3000 ans au plus - les armes qui peuvent  lui permettre d'achever son sinistre projet.

The Lancet: Fossil Fuels Are Killing Us... Quitting Them Can Save Us By Jon Queally

Taux d'extinction des espèces vivantes

"the rate of extinction for species in the 20th century was up to 100 times higher than it would have been without impacts of human activity, such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution"

La faute aux Trente Glorieuses ! A l'intoxication au plein emploi, à la course à la croissance et à la réduction des taux de chômage à tout prix, et à la cour faite aux pays producteurs de ce poison que fut et reste le pétrole !

On Brink Of 'Sixth Great Extinction,' Humanity Must Conserve Or Die By Nadia Prupis

Les religions nous ont fait ce que nous sommes.

Que nous en soyons conscients ou non les "cultures" religieuses dans lesquelles nous sommes nés nous ont fait ce que nous sommes.

Ces bouddhistes occidentaux, par exemple, qui se scandalisent que les fonctions religieuses se transmettent de père en fils dans certaines écoles tibétaines ou dans certaines sectes japonaises, réagissent encore en chrétiens et même en catholiques. Ces pratiques, pour les Occidentaux, quelque soient les étiquettes qu'ils se collent, ont pour nom : népotisme et simonie.  

Ou ces laïques, athées, réagissant en chrétiens devant ces traits "cuturels" ? L'endogamie musulmane - mariage de cousins parallèles patrilatéraux - par exemple, que l'Occident, chrétien ou laïque, définit encore comme incestueux.

When Temple Bells Drown The Earth's Heartbeat: Earth-Based Spirituality Versus Organized Religion By Aparajita Sengupta

Le monde a besoin d'être gouverné, et d'abord d'avoir une budget lui permettant de répondre aux défis globaux

Kishore Mahbubani

World needs new hands on the global finance tiller

dimanche 21 juin 2015

Laudato Si, in extenso, en français


Accès au texte anglais complet de l'encyclique sur le Washington Post


La Chine mène en matière de réduction des émissions. Mais il reste plusieurs défis.

"China has been able to make rapid changes in a number of areas, going at times against the logic of economic growth. Examples of such efforts are: (1) targeted reductions in economic growth justified in terms of more environmentally balanced growth; (2) the massive promotion of solar and wind technology; (3) a growing share of non-fossil-fuel energy consumption; (4) creation of a red line to protect a minimum of 120 million hectares of farmland; (5) reduction of major air pollutants by 8-10 percent in the 12th Five Year Plan (2011-2015); (6) removal of six million high-pollution vehicles from the roads in 2014; (7) a 700 percent increase in the output of electric passenger cars (non-plug ins) in 2014; (8) initiation of a government campaign for frugal lifestyles and against extravagance (conspicuous consumption) by officials; (9) growing official criticism of GDP worship; and (10) a pledge to reduce the carbon intensity of GDP by 40-45 percent by 2020 from 2005 level, coupled with a pledge to reach peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, if not sooner; and (11) the imposition of a new resource tax on coal.
From the critical standpoint of ecological Marxism, however, such developments are still overwhelmed by China's 7 percent economic growth rate, in which the GDP will double in size in a decade, massively increasing environmental demands. Going along with these growth projections is a plan to increase the number of permanent urban dwellers in the next five years to 60 percent from the present 54 percent. This is to be accompanied by larger, more mechanized family farms in rural areas, with the eventual disappearance of 60 percent of the country's villages, to be merged into small towns and large cities. "

Marxism, Ecological Civilization, And China By John Bellamy Foster

Sans doute la première encyclique dont l'écho dépasse largement les audiences chrétiennes

New Hope For Avoiding Catastrophic Climate Change By John Scales Avery

Une écologiste et féministe indienne sur l'encyclique Laudato Si

“Laudato Si” – A 21st Century Manifesto For Earth Democracy By Dr Vandana Shiva

Les Turcs ne savent pas que tout le monde voit qui ils sont

Obama's 'Model Partner' Thinks Israel, U.S., Biggest Threats

La journée internationale du Yoga célébrée dans 1992 pays !

Live: International Yoga Day - The Hindu

vendredi 19 juin 2015

Définitions du bien et du mal

Pas d'harmonie sociale possible là où co-existent des groupes sociaux
dont les codes moraux s'opposent, là où on ne peut se mettre d'accord
sur ce que "bien" et "mal" signifient


La meilleure réponse à l'islamisme : l'inter-nationalisation des ressources pétrolières !

"Everyone is allowed to pollute the atmosphere without paying for the negative externalities. Science has shown that we are limited to atmospheric emissions of around 1,000 GtCO2 in order not to exceed the 2 degree temperature limit (see Figure 1). However, substantial fossil resources are still stored in the ground, and these would give rise to emissions of about 15,000 GtCO2 due to combustion. If, due to climate policy, these fossil fuels may no longer be used, the resources would necessarily be devalued. The owners of coal, oil and gas would in fact be expropriated. In this context, the encyclical stresses the principle of “subordination of private property” (93-95, 156-158). This means that private property of fossil fuels can only be ethically justified if it serves the common good. Therefore, the devaluation of assets is not an unjustified disenfranchisement, but is legitimate because it serves the common good, namely the reduction of the risks and consequences of climate change. ... "

Heaven Belongs To Us All – The New Papal Encyclical By Brigitte Knopf

La transition est en marche

"... skip the homilies and get down to business: the historical moment into which you graduate—with climate change, wealth concentration, and racialized violence all reaching breaking points.
How do we help most? How do we best serve this broken world? And we know that time is short, especially when it comes to climate change. We all hear the clock ticking loudly in the background.
But that doesn’t mean that climate change trumps everything else. It means we need to create integrated solutions—ones that radically bring down emissions, while closing the inequality gap and making life tangibly better for the majority.
This is no pipe dream. We have living examples from which to learn. Germany’s energy transition has created 400,000 jobs in just over a decade, and not just cleaned up energy but made it fairer—so that energy systems are owned and controlled by hundreds and hundreds of cities, towns, and cooperatives.  ..."

Climate Change Is A Crisis We Can Only Solve Together By Naomi Klein

Yoga signifie "retenue"

"True yoga is a way of life and it is a rejection of everything that the politicians and corporates have come to represent, power, profits, dominance, greed, exploitation. Yoga calls for restraint, ethical behavior, discipline, respect for the environment and the whole life around."

Yoga, Politicians And Corporates By Vidyadhar Date

En attachant notre wagon à la Chine, retrouvons notre Antiquité et achevons notre Renaissance !

Les Chinois n'ont jamais quitté ce monde - éternel, incréé, sans début ni fin, mais se répétant au rythme de cycles jamais complètement identiques, comme des variations sur un thème unique - qui était celui d'Epicure, des Grecs et de leurs dieux, mais aussi du  Bouddha.

Could The Global Problems Of The 21st-Century Have Been Predicted
By The Neo-Confucian Officials Of China's Past?
By C Ikehara
18 June, 2015
... Apart from [mathematics], everything else [Europeans] do is excessive ingenuity. … So often to play around with things is to bring a myriad burdens on oneself. They have investigated to the utmost such cruel things as firearms. (Chinese scholar Cheng Tingzuo [1691-1767)]
- [The Korean king's regent who ruled Korea from 1866 to 1873] viewed Japan's progressive reforms as yet more evidence of how far it had fallen from the way, how little the island people really understood the virtues of [a Chinese] world order. ("Revolution and Its Past..."[2002,Schoppa])

Could The Global Problems Of The 21st-Century Have Been Predicted By The Neo-Confucian Officials Of China's Past? By C Ikehara

jeudi 18 juin 2015

Un extrait de l'Encyclique Laudato Si

Rarement aussi exactement et simplement dit.

En quête de nouveaux mythes mobilisateurs, un bouddhiste ne pourrait contredire le pape. Un bouddhiste pourrait sans doute identifier la Nature au Corps du Bouddha, donnant ainsi un nouveau sens au concept de "Buddhakaya".

La référence du Pape à "notre mère la nature" pourrait-elle  donner naissance à une théologie panthéisante de la nature où la Mère de Dieu deviendrait Mère-Nature ou Mère de la Nature ?

"Care For Our Common Home" Mother Earth By Pope Francis

Retour à la Voie Moyenne !

- Civilizations commonly die from the excessive development of certain characteristics which had at first contributed to their success. (Rene Dubos)
- The whole history of civilization is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first, and deadly afterwards. (Walter Bagehot)

mercredi 17 juin 2015

Moissons au Monastère de Shaolin

Pour se reposer de la méditation et des arts martiaux, ils travaillent comme des bénédictins ces moines zen, ou plutôt "chan".

Zen harvest for Shaolin monks - Global Times

Ce que l'Inde pourrait apporter à l'AIIB

"The World Bank judges that its primary contribution to economic development is through the spread of best practice, and that its financing role is primarily a sweetener for the dissemination of standards and ideas. Given the scale of Asia’s infrastructure needs, no amount of funding by the AIIB will be material except in the smallest countries. So the most important long-term challenge facing the AIIB will be to fashion its own distinctive perspective on what works in fostering development. It is in this sphere thatcollaboration between China and India could be truly transformational."


mardi 16 juin 2015

Les conservateurs catholiques US et l'encyclique Laudato si


Laudato si

Avec un pape au discours de plus en plus bouddhisant, nous vivons peut-être non seulement un "changement de paradigme" mais une "révolution culturelle". Il n'en faudra pas moins pour éviter le pire à notre planète, s'il est encore évitable !


Science et politique

The Hoax of Climate Denial By Naomi Oreskes

dimanche 14 juin 2015

ISIS, l'Arabie, l'Iran et les USA

"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia remains a bundle of contradictions held together from within by a religious doctrine -- Wahhabism -- violently imposed and maintained, defended from the outside by the protective shield the United States has provided. ... In the absence of oil, it is unlikely there would be any relationship of the sort which the United States cultivated with the House of Saud. Saudi Arabia is a totalitarian state under the banner of Allah, and protected, as if Allah arranged it, by the United States. This special relationship, however, rests uneasily upon the minds of those Saudis who take their Wahhabism seriously and are offended by any real or perceived dilution of, or deviation from, their creed."

Excellent historique du wahabisme, des ses avatars - frères musulmans, salafistes, Al Qaeda, Isis - et de ses relations avec les USA, ses mercenaires, payés en pétrole, par Salim Mansur. Mais si ces vérités peuvent maintenant être dites c'est sans doute qu'avec la montée en puissance de l'Extrême-Orient - Asie du Sud-Est, de l'Est, Inde - et les récents accords qui pourraient à relativement court terme rendre le pétrole moins indispensable, ces vérités, au vu de la réorganisation des rapports géopolitiques en cours, sont déjà du passé.

ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the West

Au Moyen-Orient, l’arrivée du monothéisme a pu jouer un rôle unificateur en répandant notamment la langue arabe,

Au Moyen-Orient, l’arrivée du monothéisme a pu jouer un rôle unificateur en répandant notamment la langue arabe, dit Florent Detroy dans Atlantico

Mais il a apparemment atteint ses limites et semble maintenant porté à s'auto-détruire. Le polythéisme - qui revient à un panthéisme, ne convient-il pas mieux à un monde multipolaire ?

samedi 13 juin 2015

Le G7 s'engage à décarboniser l'économie, et l'athmosphère, d'ici la fin du siècle !

La Chine aurait déjà entamé la baisse de ses émissions  de CO2 en 2014 !


Bravo !

vendredi 12 juin 2015

Le ralentissement du réchauffement au début de ce siècle, un bobard ?

Earth Has Warmed As Usual, With No Slowdown By Tim Radford

Le pape aussi ...

Il est vrai qu'il a choisi de s'appeler François. Et François d'Assise est sans doute le plus bouddhiste des saints catholiques !

Climate Action Is In The Air By Hoda Baraka

N'en jetez plus ! La cour est pleine !

The Future History Of Political Economy – Part 2 By Eric Zencey

Nouvelles approximations statistiques sur le bouddhisme en Chine

Il y aurait 244 millions de bouddhistes en Chine et 294 millions de Chinois pratiquant une des centaines voire des milliers de "religions chinoises traditionnelles" qui ne sont souvent en fait qu'un mélange d'animisme, de taoïsme et de bouddhisme. Voir :


Obama sur le réchauffement climatique

Musulmans ou islamistes, comment les Arabes voient l'Occident et ses nouvelles priorités. 

Le moment de la décroissance forcée approche-t-il ? Préparons la transition !

Are We Prepared To Change To Prevent Climate Change? By Christiane Kliemann

Death by Lashing: Saudi Arabia

Badawi dared to write :

"Muslims in Saudi Arabia not only disrespect the beliefs of others, but also charge them with infidelity -- to the extent that they consider anyone who is not Muslim an infidel. They also, within their own narrow definitions, consider non-Hanbali [the Saudi school of Islam] Muslims as apostates. How can we be such people and build... normal relations with six billion humans, four and a half billion of whom do not believe in Islam?"

Salim Mansur comments : "Saudi Arabia is the incubator and citadel of Islamic fascism, otherwise known as Wahhabism. ... It is one of the anomalies of our age that when, by a fluke of nature, large deposits of fossil fuels are discovered in a country, as in Saudi Arabia, it is accorded attention and respect by other countries in excess of anything it has done, or achieved, or by the record of its conduct in human affairs.
Apart from the oil reserves of the kingdom, the House of Saud is indistinguishable from the House of Kim ruling North Korea, and it is as deserving of the same contempt.
Oil has not only made the difference for Saudi Arabia, it has also made the West complicit in the evil that Saudi Arabia does at home and perpetrates abroad: spreading its pre-modern and perverted culture as Islam or, more appropriately, Wahhabism; and funding terror as jihadism.
The treatment of Raif Badawi stands out, not merely for its cruelty, but how it has come to symbolize the grotesquely repulsive nature of the Saudi kingdom and what it represents behind the mask of religious austerity."

Death by Lashing: Saudi Arabia

Réchauffement climatique et pics énergétiques

J'ajouterai bientôt une page

Bouddhisme, développement durable, réchauffement climatique et pics énergétiques 

en apéritif voyez


dimanche 7 juin 2015

L'Inde aussi utilise le bouddhisme pour promouvoir son "soft power".

Il aura fallu le temps ! Mais après tout le Bouddha est sans doute - avant même Gandhi - l'Indien le plus célèbre, même si Lumbini se trouve à présent au Népal.

Copier le lien ci-dessous dans votre browser :


mardi 2 juin 2015

China and EU can unleash Industry 4.0 - Global Times

"In the coming EU-China summit, Europeans and Chinese can shape the future together. While technical issues like market access, the market economy status and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will probably be included in the agenda; the key to future China-EU engagement should be Industry 4.0 and ICT Sino-EU complementarity. Questions of data security and Internet governance should be cordially addressed, paving the way for Tusk's commitment to "take the EU-China comprehensive partnership to a new level. "

China and EU can unleash Industry 4.0 - Global Times